Bing Maps Aerial in Google Earth

This KML network link displays a map overlay for Bing Maps Aerial ( in Google Earth.

For some information on how it works, please see the main page and the FAQ.

To get started, simply download bing-maps-aerial-overlay-for-google-earth.kmz (please log in first, see here why) and open it in Google Earth. Or checkout all 4 Bing Maps map overlays on this site.

Do you have comments, bug reports, or suggestions for other map sources? Please leave them below.

msc16 (2013-10-01 18:38:44):

isn't working at the moment. Internal server error

Martin Loetzsch (2013-10-01 20:50:01):

Can you give a few more details? Did it work before? And which version of Google Earth are you using?

Esri Maps
Google Maps
Bing Maps
European Maps
North American Maps
World Maps