Google Earth Map Overlays

Here is a Google Earth KML network link that displays a big variety of tile based online maps (road maps, terrain and contour maps, alternative satellite image sets, etc) in the area you are currently viewing.

This allows you to use your favourite map in 3D together with other Google Earth layers to plan a trip, perform geospatial analyses, or simply have better map sources where the data provided by Google is not as good:

Move mouse over image

Currently, 34 different map sources are supported. Most of these maps are based on OpenStreetMap, but there also layers for Google Maps, Bing Maps and an extensive list of regional map providers. You can switch between maps by clicking on them in the side bar:

Move mouse over image

Whenever you change the view in Google Earth, the image overlays are automatically updated. Zoom levels for map tiles are calculated independently for different regions in the Google Earth screen, based on distance to the virtual camera and on latitude. Consequently, maps are updated very quickly and the number of map tiles loaded per update is more or less constant, even if the view in Google Earth is tilted.

Move mouse over image

Some more questions about how it works are covered in the FAQ.


To get started, simply download the file map-overlays-for-google-earth-combined.kmz (please log in first, see here why) and open it in Google Earth. It contains all map sources that this application provides (version 13).

Alternatively, separate KML network links for groups of maps or even individual map sources can be found here:

OpenStreetMap MapnikThunderforest OutdoorsThunderforest LandscapeThunderforest Transport
OpenStreetMap Cycle MapOpenStreetMap Public TransportOpenStreetMap GPS TracesOpenStreetMap Ski Map
Esri Maps
Esri Maps World Street MapEsri Maps World Topo MapEsri Maps USA Topo MapsEsri Maps NatGeo World Map
Esri Maps World Physical MapEsri Maps World Terrain BaseEsri Maps World Shaded ReliefEsri Maps World Imagery
Google Maps
Google Maps RoadGoogle Maps TerrainGoogle Maps Korea
Bing Maps
Bing Maps RoadBing Maps AerialBing Maps HybridBing Maps China
European Maps
European Maps OpenTopoMapOutdooractive Maps GermanyOutdooractive Maps South Maps (Norway) Topo Maps (Norway) AerialEuropean Maps 2GIS (Russia)European Maps Freemap Hiking (Slovakia)
North American Maps
North American Maps Caltopo USGS TopoNorth American Maps OSM Terrain US
World Maps
World Maps Maps-For-Free ReliefWorld Maps Nasa Blue Marble


Do you have comments, bug reports, or suggestions for other map sources? Please leave them below.

Treadly (2010-12-22 13:41:11):

Fabulous software!

Wraith (2010-12-25 04:44:13):

One huge gigantic THANK YOU! Its been really tough trying to piece together hikes with google maps in firefox and the google earth standalone. This is tremendously helpful and greatly appreciated.


Asfandyar Ali (2011-08-29 23:22:08):

thats one big fantastic thing ive ever seen. a very very big thanku developer
how can we put black color to streets as they are not very clear

Lajos Misurda (2011-09-13 14:25:58):

Great job, Congratulation for the version 2. Just an idea, could you display a blank (black or white) map background?

ianrey (2011-09-14 16:20:17):

I'd like to add my thanks, and congratulations on the update, it works fantastically.

MartinB (2011-09-26 12:57:30):

Very thank you!!! Government sites and many services should implement this type of GE-map-overlay in their sites. We have real nice local government GIS-Maps, some with GPX, GeoJPG and more features (german & italian language): - here it is even possible to download DXF/SHP (top left download): How difficult would it be to make a ge-map-overlay for the

Martin Loetzsch (2011-09-27 20:54:17):

Hi Martin,

these maps are indeed fantastic! But I'm afraid that they can't be directly incorporated in this application, because they don't follow this url scheme for map tiles:

On the other hand, cloning and adapting the code for your maps should be doable (given that there is a way to map coordinates to image urls).

Greetings, Martin

Pedromaschio (2011-11-23 13:21:30):

Tnahk you very munch. Great idea that works perfect

Martin Loetzsch (2012-02-29 20:02:48):

Version 3 is online now. It utilizes resources more efficiently and contains 12 new map sources.


The openpistemap layer does not work anymore. However, the osmarender maps also contain all ski lifts and slopes.


Glaikind (2012-03-31 14:19:25):

Wow! Got it to work. Amazing! Thanks.

Stefan Blser (2012-05-23 08:55:44):

Very good Application!
Unfortunately the "outdooractive"-Map doesn't works anymore. have changed their servers a short time ago. Please look at this problem - the outdooractive map ist very good and i would be very happy if i could use it in Google Earth again.

Martin Loetzsch (2012-06-13 21:13:22):

Thanks for notifying, it's fixed.

Additionally, there's now new layers for the USGS national map:http://ge-map-overlays.apps...

Marc Lacoste (2012-10-09 18:03:22):

Hi, congrats for the great overlay!

indeed the openpistemap layer does not work. I can't find the osmarender maps though, neither in the combined nor the openstreetmap overlay

where can i find it?

Martin Loetzsch (2012-10-10 17:32:16):

Unfortunately the osmarender tiles are also offline, so there is currently no option for pistes here. For only seeing the lifts, the mapnik layer has them at higher zoom levels

Fernando Adame (2013-06-18 18:32:15):

thank you very much for sharing this app! you did an amazing job!

Guest (2013-06-20 21:17:40):

Hey great base map... however when i try combining with my
radius around a point data KML file this happens... i have tried adjusting kml altitude,
but this just causes distortion... any advice please?

Martin Loetzsch (2013-09-26 22:45:35):

After quite some time there's a new version that mainly updates the application to a new Python runtime (because Google deprecated the old one) and that slightly restructures the groups of map sources.

In addition to that, the Google Maps Terrain and Mapquest Open Aerial layers work again.

Furthermore, the Outdooractive Germany layer again shows the hand-drawn topographic maps in the highest zoom level.

I will have a bit more time in the following days, so if have any suggestions, please post them here.

Martin Loetzsch (2013-09-29 12:01:24):

Hi, I'm afraid that due to the way how kml works, adjusting the altitude is the only option. See also this reply: http://ge-map-overlays.apps...

Lim SH (2013-11-12 07:34:53):

would appreciate if you could create overlay from
contain satellite imagery not available in google or bing maps
Many thanks in advance.

Martin Loetzsch (2013-11-24 23:02:26):

Thanks, they are here now: http://ge-map-overlays.apps...

Martin Loetzsch (2013-11-24 23:03:44):

Another solution is to use transparent shape images: http://ge-map-overlays.apps...

Martin Loetzsch (2013-11-24 23:12:07):

Version 7 adds two fantastic new topographic maps (Komoot and OpenTopoMap), a Russian map (2gis) and 3 Layers from (Nokia):


Tasmanian Geographic (2014-01-08 05:22:10):

This is brilliant! Good work on this!

stefffan (2014-02-07 11:12:11):

I have a suggestion for a new map source: OpenStreetMap GPS Traces.

Tile server:


Martin Loetzsch (2014-02-09 17:18:14):

Thanks, that's an extremely useful layer! I'll try to add it in two weeks

peter (2014-02-12 22:13:40):

a Nautical sea chart would be useful, there is a way of getting something like Navionics web app into gogle earth?

Ugur Isik (2014-02-26 08:16:15):

Nokia here maps overlay is not working at the moment?

Andy (2014-02-27 18:01:56):

thanks for that great service! can you add the outdooractive winter map with the layer showing the pith? it's very useful for planning ski and snowboard trips.

Stian Andre Aagnes (2014-03-09 11:20:13):

Great work!
I have an request for two map source to put in this package.

Its a norwegian goverment free map source called topo2 by
It shows norway all the way down to how a single house is oriented

The url to put in the google maps api for using the maps is

Here is the link for the exact resolutions that would be used with the google maps api and statkart maps.

Here is an example:
Look into the source code for this one too and it will show this tileUrlTemplate: 'http://opencache.statkart.n...{Z}&x={X}&y={Y}',

2. The norwegian polar institute maps of Svalbard

Keep up the great work!isPng:true,opacity:1.0

Martin Loetzsch (2014-03-10 22:04:21):

Hi Stian,

thanks for suggesting the statkart maps, they are really great and I added them here:

If you want to do me to me a favor, then please add a Norwegian description in the comments box of that site so that it can be found by Norwegians on Google.

About the Svalbard map: I didn't manage to find a working tile url.


Martin Loetzsch (2014-03-10 22:09:09):

Works again

Martin Loetzsch (2014-03-10 22:19:35):

Hi Peter,

the Navionics maps does not work with this site (it has a different tile url scheme), and currently there is no good sea chart out there yet.

In one year or so might be usable.

Martin Loetzsch (2014-03-10 23:02:37):

Here it is:

Martin Loetzsch (2014-03-10 23:11:57):

This app is now at version 8:

- the nokia here maps work again
- new layer "osm gps traces": http://ge-map-overlays.apps...
- four new Norwegian maps from Norgeskat: http://ge-map-overlays.apps...
- some smaller fixes

Thomas Hirt (2014-03-11 09:57:59):

Hi Martin and team

Extremly helpfull this overlays !

My suggestions:

Norwegian aerials: go to "Foto"

Switzerland maps and aerials: for aerials go to "Luftbild"

And primary for the Russian aerea




Ugur Isik (2014-03-11 11:30:00):

Thanks appreciated

ianrey (2014-03-12 21:04:46):

Really wish you would allow the overlays to be used even if a new version is available. It's quite tedious to have to download and install every time. Especially because I like to rearrange the order, and delete overlays I don't like or won't use.

Martin Loetzsch (2014-03-13 21:52:18):

In the beginning I had separate versioning for map groups and even single map sources. This had two problems: It was quite difficult to get working right and people never came back to this site (which pays the server costs through ads).

I could build a more fine-grained update solution, but that would require me to ask for a usage fee, which I guess nobody wants.


Stan (2014-04-17 10:19:23):

Hi Martin,

this is really cool! Thanks a lot!
Is it maybe possible to publish the python code? I would really like to use it with my own layers locally!

Thanks a lot!

iusauser (2014-07-23 07:46:29):


Martin Loetzsch (2014-10-26 21:21:01):

Hi Stan,

I use this site to make some minor advertising money on the side. If I would publish the code, everybody could fire up it's own version on Google AppEngine in 10 minutes, which is certainly not in my interest.

But I'm willing to share the math part:

If you also read a bit about KML NetworkLinkControls, then it should be fairly easy to build something similar



Martin Loetzsch (2014-10-26 22:28:49):

Hi Thomas,

thanks for the suggestions. The maps are now here: http://ge-map-overlays.apps...

The swiss maps are unfortunately not compatible with this site and Yandex blocks the Google Earth client.


Martin Loetzsch (2014-10-26 22:35:00):

Version 9 is out now. It

- fixes the issue where links were sometimes pointing to

- repairs some broken map sources

- introduces three new layers:
http://ge-map-overlays.apps... (2x)

Enjoy, Martin

Thomas Hirt (2014-10-27 07:23:27):

Hi Martin

Many thanks for your effort !

I'm daily active on GE and your overlays are a big help for safe time when compare with other resources.

A. Mccormick (2014-11-06 02:49:02):

Jesus Christ! This webpage is literally the best thing that has ever happened to Google Earth!

DW (2014-11-21 07:44:28):

Wow amazing

Leo Zhang (2014-12-22 05:15:02):

Would it be possible to have layers from Apple Maps/Imagery? You have Google, Bing, and Nokia, which are all major mapping service provider.

luigich (2015-02-03 01:34:27):

Great site! I was going to develop a tool to do precisely this but you already got it. The only map sources I would suggest to add are:

a) Caltopo: High res USGS 7.5 Topo maps
"http://s3-us-west-1.amazona..." + z + "/" + p.x + "/" + p.y + ".png" }, maxZoom: 16

b) Thunderforest Outdoor
"http://tile.thunderforest.c..." + z + "/" + p.x + "/" + p.y + ".png" }, maxZoom: 16

And even better... leave it open for people to provide their own tile source settings. But I understand that could create a lot of junk.

luigich (2015-02-03 02:50:46):

One more suggestion:
http://services.arcgisonlin...{Z}/{Y}/{X}.png maxZoom: 15

Beautiful Nation (2015-02-06 21:58:54):

this is an amazing resource and we at Beautiful Nation Project appreciate ut

GoogleEarthUser1 (2015-02-27 19:56:18):

Martin, Thank you times a million. Google really should pay you handsomely for this (better yet, hire you!!). Really and truly, this should have been an included Google Earth feature from the get-go. But your clever .kml works perfectly! Outstanding work.

Martin Loetzsch (2015-02-27 21:18:20):

Thanks. In enjoy it myself very much very often and feedback like this lets me keep this public.

Martin Loetzsch (2015-03-01 22:14:04):

Here's the Caltopo layer: http://ge-map-overlays.apps...

luigich (2015-03-02 20:09:28):

Thanks a lot!

Martin Loetzsch (2015-03-11 22:27:51):

Version 10 is out and has 4 new layers.

- Caltopo USGS: http://ge-map-overlays.apps...

- Thunderforest (3x): http://ge-map-overlays.apps...

Andrew Howson (2015-03-13 22:16:14):

I have already have overlays built in Google Earth that I would like to see them on top of these map layers. Is there any way to send these map layers backward and bring my GE layers forward. I can see my waypoints (placemarks) but little else on top of these new Map layers.

Simon Dowling (2015-03-14 11:36:40):

Would love someone to make the same for the Irish Ordinance Survey maps covering the last 170 years. Mapviewer here . But can access tiles directly i.e. .. There are 8 different map layers in the system that would be great to combine with other sources in Google Earth.

Martin Loetzsch (2015-03-14 13:27:51):

Hi Andrew, please have a look at http://ge-map-overlays.apps...

jaakkoh (2015-03-17 05:54:13):

Big thanks for these wonderful packs of map layers that include so many of the numerous OpenStreetMap-based layers. This is really a great service that I hope gets more publicity as it helps put OSM at the hands of so many people that use GE.

Thanks also for your latest addition of three more Thunderforest styles (by Andy Allan). Great additions.

Now, two suggestions and a request:

* You might want to move the currently named "Cycle Map" layer under Thunderforest in your next version as it's also a "Thunderforest style" (by Andy Allan) and rename it to OpenCycleMap, which Andy uses for it.

* It would be great and also inline with the licenses / use permissions of the map styles to include appropriate map (tiles) license information (that would include attribution and note of the license under which the different OSM maps are offered for reuse and distribution).

While the relatively new ODbL license of the OSM data allows nowadays to publish maps created with OSM data under traditional restrictive licenses I think that all of the maps you have included here are licensed under a permissive license or at least there's some sort of fair use clause for their use that allow using these. But the license and the attribution should be included in the layers and visible (clearly enough).

You already have very good attribution on the pages of the individual map styles and the grouping of the layers in the layer pack indicate attribution (including the use of the logos). But I think the license would be an appropriate addition and would be good to follow the styles consistently.

From the top of my mind I think that there would be three good places for the attribution/license info: i) these web pages (as you already have for attribution), ii) the Properties > Description box for each of the map layer (that currently have the URL to the info page of the given layer) and finally it would also be great and appropriate -- and I think many would argue that also required -- to include the info in the map browsing window. E.g. OpenLayers plugin for QGIS does this nowadays automatically albeit the info is not perfect for all available layers. But the MapQuest OSM style is a prime example of attribution and license statement done right. (Lower right corner gets a text of "Data, imagery and map information provided by [MapQuest], [OpenStreetMap], and contributors, [CC-BY-SA]" where [] brackets indicate corresponding hyperlinks).

I would be happy to help you figure out an appropriate placing of the license and attribution if you want/need help.


* It would be great to see the Humanitarian map style added to your layers. The style was developed originally as part of one Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team mapping project to function as a general map style with a twist/focus for the needs of humanitarian and international development work. But it's really a general style well suited for many needs. The style is available at , the tiles are globally created and available via the French OSM community's server http://layers.openstreetmap... and they are also available among others at . If you have any questions regarding this don't hesitate to contact me or yohanboniface (the main developer and maintainer of the style).

Again, BIG thanks for this wonderful set of map layers! Look forward to inclusion of more good layers and the tweaking of the attributions/license notes.

Martin Loetzsch (2015-03-17 20:38:13):

Hi Jaakko,

thanks for your comments, I'll consider them all. You are right, I will have to do something about licence information.

Greetings, Martin

Hunar Saleem (2015-04-13 06:17:19):

What about yahoo maps? is there any overlays for yahoo satellite maps?

Martin Loetzsch (2015-04-13 21:07:54):

Yahoo unfortunately blocks requests from the Google Earth client, so it is not possible.

Opt Pob (2015-07-15 22:08:18):

Hi Martin, I suggest to add Sardinia Aerial Maps from here: http://www.sardegnageoporta...
There are 7 layers but the most important are 4: Ortofoto 1954, Ortofoto 1968, Ortofoto 1977 and Ortofoto 2000.
Tiles source:
1954) http://webgis.regione.sarde... (256x256px)
1968) http://webgis.regione.sarde... (256x256px)
1977) http://webgis.regione.sarde... (256x256px)
2000) http://webgis.regione.sarde... (256x256px)

Thanks in advance!

Anders (2015-07-19 23:20:34):

Hi Martin! Have you considered adding the Strava heat maps as a map source? They would be a great help planning trips in Google Earth.

Michael Rogers (2015-08-14 16:01:49):

These overlays amazing, thanks for sharing them!

I have one doubt using google maps terrain overlay, if I keep zooming it keeps showing the countour lines, whereas on google maps they disappear after certain zoom, probably due to its low resolution.

Is there a way to make the contour lines disappear from google earth overlay as well after zooming enough?


Marc Hoshovsky (2015-12-07 00:46:21):

Thanks for the service, a real improvement to Google Earth basemaps. The public land ownership data in all of the layers, at least in California, is rather inaccurate. Your users might be interested in this higher quality data set for California:

The California Protected Areas Database (CPAD) 2015b is a GIS inventory of all protected park and open space lands in California ( The database contains lands held in fee ownership by public agencies and non-profits - it does not contain data on private conservation and other similar public agency easements. CPAD is more completely described in the CPAD Manual ( Manual_2015b.pdf ). The lands in the database range from huge national forests to very small urban parks. Federal,
state, county, city, special district and non-governmental agency holdings are included and have been mapped at high levels of accuracy.

They have Google Earth .kmz versions as well as legends (which can be added by editing Properties in Google Earth and adding the Legend link). Check out :

*Boundaries/CPAD_AccessType (MapServer) - Holdings displayed by access type (Open Access, Restricted Access, No Public Access, and Unknown Access)
*Boundaries/CPAD_AgencyClassification (MapServer) Holdings displayed by owning agency classification ('LAYER' field)
*Boundaries/CPAD_AgencyLevel (MapServer) Units displayed by agency level (Federal, Non Profit, State, Special District, County, City, or Private)

Federico Cattozzi (2015-12-28 22:03:28):

Hi, I want your Python script... ;)
However, please add Kompass map (

MyTrails (Android app) flexible url format:

{0} = x-coordinate
{1} = y-coordinate
{2} = zoom level
{3} = random number between 0 and 2

Kompass map url:


Thank you!

Claire Massa (2016-01-08 12:47:16):

Does anyone know how to do an elevation map of this map? Can anyone reproduce this?

Claire Massa (2016-01-08 13:18:50):

Does anyone know how this was produced? https://uploads.disquscdn.c... How would I reproduce it? Thank you.

Claire Massa (2016-01-08 13:23:30):

Can someone help me work out how to do images 1 and 2 from then Terrian analysis tutorial? Thank you.

Me (2016-01-17 17:18:26):

Is it possible to add the info from as overlay?

(2016-03-05 03:47:16):

it is possible to set client name in kml standart

Grard Blankers (2016-08-30 13:08:50):

Great site! Would it be possible to add the Dutch opentopo maps as overlay? Thanks!

Paolo Z (2016-09-07 21:17:40):

Any chance to see also map?

Clifford Hubert (2016-09-22 22:07:08):

I'm a Top Contributor on the Google Maps and Earth forum. We constantly recommend your product and have for years but we have had complaints about some of your slightly deceptive download buttons. I know you have to support the site but Google is not in favor of this practice. I also just noticed that your comments section is supported by Disqus. Disqus is a slightly obnoxious tracking company that I normally wouldn't use for comments but I'm making an exception because of the quality of your product. I'd appreciate it if you considered a more straightforward business model.

Martin Loetzsch (2016-09-22 22:36:56):

Hi Clifford,

this whole things started with me wanting to have map overlays in Google Earth for myself. I enjoy cycle touring and hiking and having these maps alongside with 3D terrain, Panoramio images and other placemarks makes planning a trip a great fun for me.

Once I built the software, I thought I might as well share it because I knew it might be a thing that other like-minded people would appreciate. About the business model: Running this thing costs some money (not much), which is easily covered by the Adsense revenue (about 200 Euro / month, also not much). I'm a full-time employed software engineer ( ) with two kids, and I absolutely have no time or ambition to implement other revenue streams such as donations or subscriptions.

So ads are going to stay on this site. I unfortunately don't have any influence on what ads are served by Google and (living in Germany) I have never seen "download buttons". But I'll address this by marking banners more clearly with some text around it such as "Message from our sponsors".

About Disqus: I have absolutely no time to implement my own comment system and to deal with comment spam and security. Disqus does a great job for me in terms of not having to bother about spam. If you can suggest another worry-free hosted comment system, I'd be happy to switch.

I hope you are nevertheless able to enjoy these overlays as much as I do,


Aly (2017-02-01 10:46:42):

Many maps are outdated wirth broken links
Can you update the URI to have them working again ?

Martin Loetzsch (2017-02-01 11:46:54):

I plan to take some time for this during the second week of March.

Paolo Z (2017-03-21 17:23:14):

Hi Martin, thank you for your great job!
Have you seen the watermark "API Key Required" in the Cycle map layer?

lpto (2017-03-31 09:02:39):

Here seems to be broken... Also chiming in for wanting Strava heatmaps!

Gonzalo Garca (2017-05-10 12:17:10):

Has anyone managed to remove the watermark "API Key Required"?

mmatkowska (2017-05-25 07:50:12):


Diego Andrs (2017-06-10 21:25:19):

Thank you very much for this! Now I can easily plan my hikings in Colombia. Keep this excellent work!

Diego Andrs (2017-06-11 08:14:06):

Another vote in orden to incluye an overlay for strava heatmap. Locus Map already does it... please take a look at the source code of the file that one has to download. This might give you clues...

Diego Andrs (2017-06-11 08:30:11):


<provider id="10900" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
<mode>Global Heatmap Biking</mode>

<provider id="10901" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
<mode>Global Heatmap Running</mode>

John Doe (2017-07-31 18:33:08):

From what I can see this can't be done at the individual user level though. I it needs to be done by Martin & from what I can see, there may be some cost implications.
Can you confirm Martin?

Kevin Martnez (2017-10-04 04:12:24):

Hello, I need to have this in Google Earth.
(Represa Chihuido Futura - Argentina), does anyone know how to put this in the land of google?https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

JEANDISANTI (2017-11-08 12:14:44):

It would just be wonderful to be able to see the topographical maps of the Brazilian army in Google Earth.

Wendy Sukmajaya (2018-04-17 23:58:30):

Hi Martin, this is just what I need. Thanks for your work.

I wonder if you can make USGS World Terrain Maps?


Huck Rorick (2018-04-22 05:53:23):

That link took me to this warning https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

awan Dien (2018-07-09 17:06:09):


Andrew Hills (2018-08-29 13:23:02):

I'm looking for a Google Earth Map Overlay that shows topography in a colour format - please see http://en-gb.topographic-ma... for the sort of thing I am looking for. This website doesn't integrate with google earth, do you know any that can provide topography in a format that would work with google earth?


Aghezz (2019-01-04 20:41:30):

Mapbox Satellite is broken! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

Total New (2019-02-20 20:26:39):

How do I remove the API-Key required watermark on Thunderforest maps?
Are there Topomaps available for New Zealand?

Clemens (2019-02-24 06:09:04):

Hi, just wondering if the current Navionics API might work? Would be really good to see Navionics!

Juan ID (2020-02-25 11:08:55):

Hey, this is great! I'm trying to record a tour with this and the Movie Maker tool in Google Earth's options, but the tiles don't load correctly when playing automated tours. Is there a fix for that? Maybe a way to save the tiles offline, or to cach them all before playing.


Daniel (2020-06-22 19:55:13):

Also having the issue with the Movie Maker tool when trying to record a Tour. From what I can tell, the zoom levels of all tiles is fixed when the tour starts, rather than being dynamically updated as the tour moves. I don't think it's a caching issue like Juan alluded to. I don't know if there's a way to get around this, since it seems like its a Google Earth problem in not dynamically re-rendering the tiles.

Maybe having map layers which are fixed to a particular zoom level, say a "Google Maps Road Zoom Level 6," and so on for various zoom levels. Probably impractical to expect that for every map, but maybe just for Google Maps (or whatever your favourite is) and some common zoom levels, so at least there's an option for recording tours.

Anyway, thanks for the great tool.

Daniel (2020-06-22 20:14:22):

Found a work around for the issue I posted about below, but also confirmed my hypothesis of what was wrong.

If you zoom to the level at which you want to capture the tour, and then pan around the map at that zoom level, waiting for the map overlay to render in each possible location that you might want to appear in the final tour video, then the map at that zoom level will be cached for all those locations. Then, go to the map overlay in the left panel, expand it, and deselect "network update" (make sure to do this before changing your zoom level again), which will turn off the updating of the tiles when you zoom-in/out. Now you should be able to record the Tour at the zoom level you specified before.

Note, this will not work if your Tour zooms in or out (i.e. if you have any elevation), as the dynamic zoom rendering is turned off, but it works well enough for me.

Daniel (2020-06-22 20:19:58):

Hey, I posted about a work around method to get this to work, hope it works for you

Jack Glendening (2020-11-01 05:15:53):

Just another user who thanks you for this service, which is so very useful in allowing one to orient themselves and find out just what one is looking at in the satellite images. Would be nice to implement option for those of us who have thunderforest api keys, but understand that may be too much trouble so not complaining (i myself provide some web apps and know how time-consuming they can be)

Esri Maps
Google Maps
Bing Maps
European Maps
North American Maps
World Maps